Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter 2009

Hope everyone had a good easter--we did--it was alittle rainy but the kids still managed
to hunt eggs and have a good time. I finally got my new camera up and going and boy does
it take wonderful pictures--can't wait to do more with it!! Here are a few pictures I took
that sunday--TFL...

Monday, March 30, 2009

My silly grandson

My grandson was spending the night with us tonight and acting silly as most little boys do
and I got a few pictures of him--he is such a camera ham too--one of my best models for
taking pictures. I am so ready for better weather--how about you? I have a flower bed
just waiting for me--will get pictures when I get it done. Easter and my granddaughters
birthday are just around the corner--I plan on getting lots of pictures--can't wait it will give
me a chance to really use my new camera! Everyone have a good rest of the week!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy 2009 everyone!!

Boy, its been awhile since I posted anything!! Alot has been going on so I really haven't
had any spare time with the holidays and my schedule at the store I work at. Hope everyone
had a good holiday season--I did, it just went to fast--the part that went fast was the time
I had with my family--it seems like the holiday season at work was forever. Anyway just
want to post a few holiday pictures for you.......